Last updated
Last updated
This code defines a responsive navigation bar component (NavbarContent5
) that includes a logo, navigation menu, "Get Started" button, and a collapsible search input. It adjusts the layout and visibility of these elements based on screen size using Material-UI's breakpoints, with a popper menu on smaller screens and conditional rendering for a search bar with an icon trigger.
All available props for the NavbarContent5 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the NavbarContent section.
Component path: src/blocks/navbar/navbar-content/NavbarContent5.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/navbar/navbar5/page.tsx
Preview link:
Array of (Optional)
nav items using NavItemProps
interface for item details.
It will display navigation items and sections.
Optional properties for the primary button.
{ children: 'Get Started' }
Optional properties for the secondary button.
{ children: 'Buy Now' }
Optional prop to display customization section.
It will display theme customization section.