The Blog1 component displays a blog section with a heading, caption, and a slider of blog cards featuring images, titles, and clickable links to individual blog posts.
All available props for the Blog1 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the blog section.
Component path: src/blocks/blog/Blog1.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/blog/blog1/page.tsx
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Props Details
This is the main title for the blog section, which gives an overview or main topic of the blog posts.
The heading
is prominently displayed at the top of the component inside the Typeset
component, setting the context for the blog posts.
An optional subheading that provides additional context or a brief description related to the blog posts.
The caption
is shown below the heading
within the Typeset
component, offering more details about the blog section.
An array of blog data objects, where each object includes properties like an image, a caption, and a link to the full blog post.
Each blog post is rendered as a card within a slider, displaying the image as the background, the caption as the blog title, and a clickable link to the full post.
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