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All available props for the Other1 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the other section.
Component path: src/blocks/other/Other1.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/other/other1/page.tsx
Preview link:
The main title of the component, displayed at the top.
"Our Solutions"
A brief paragraph or text that provides more context about the sections. This is displayed below the sections grid.
"Discover how our services can help"
An object containing properties for the primary button, such as its text, variant, and click event.
{ children: "Learn More", onClick: () => { console.log("Button clicked"); } }
An array of section objects, each containing a title, subtitle, image, link, and optional animation delay. These represent different content blocks.
[{ title: "AI Solutions", subTitle: "Explore our AI-driven tools", image: { src: "/images/ai.png" }, link: "/ai", animationDelay: 0.3 }]
The Other1, which renders a section with a heading, description, and a list of animated cards, each linking to different pages, using Material-UI and Framer Motion for styling and animations.