Last updated
Last updated
The Testimonial2
component features a carousel of testimonial videos with associated reviews, using a slider for navigation and a modal for video playback. It handles video modal state and slider control, with responsive adjustments for arrow visibility and playback behavior.
All available props for the Testimonial2 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the Testimonial section.
Component path: src/blocks/testimonial/Testimonial2.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/testimonial/testimonial2/page.tsx
Preview link:
Main title for the testimonial section
"What Our Clients Are Saying"
Subtitle or additional context
"Read about the experiences of our satisfied clients"
List of testimonial objects with video and profile details
[ { bgImage: "/images/bg1.jpg", videoSrc: "/videos/testimonial1.mp4", review: "This service exceeded my expectations!", ratings: 5, profile: { name: "Alice Johnson", title: "Founder", image: "/images/alice.jpg" } }, ... ]