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All available props for the Testimonial8 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the Testimonial section.
Component path: src/blocks/testimonial/Testimonial8.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/testimonial/testimonial8/page.tsx
Preview link:
Main title for the testimonial section.
"Customer Feedback"
Additional subtitle or description beneath the heading.
`"See what our customers have to say about our services."
Array of testimonial objects, each with title, review, profile, and optional image.
[{ title: "Amazing Experience!", review: "The service was fantastic...", profile: { name: "Alice Johnson", title: "Marketing Specialist", avatar: "path_to_avatar_image" }, image: "path_to_image" }, ...]
The Testimonial8 component features a slider that showcases testimonials with titles, reviews, profile information, and images, using MUI components and react-slick for the carousel functionality.