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component that displays heading caption and a list of contact cards in a responsive grid layout, with dynamic grid sizes based on the number of cards. Each card features an icon, title, content, and an optional link button, using the ContactCard
and GraphicsCard
All available props for the ContactUs3 component are defined and handled within Component usage path file. This allows for easy modifications to the content of the contactus section.
Component path: src/blocks/contact-us/ContactUs3.tsx
Component usage path: src/app/blocks/contact-us/contact-us3/page.tsx
Preview link:
Main title for the contact section.
"Get in Touch"
Additional description or context under the heading.
"We are here to assist you. Feel free to contact us through the following methods:"
array of ContactCardProps
Array of contact details to be displayed as ContactCard
[ { icon: "tabler-map-pin", title: "Visit us", content: "123 Main Street, Hometown", link: { href: "/location", text: "See on map" } }, { icon: "tabler-mail", title: "Email us", content: "", link: { href: "", text: "Send Email" } }, { icon: "tabler-phone", title: "Call us", content: "+1234567890", link: { href: "tel:+1234567890", text: "Call Now" } } ]