🔮Theme Colors

Change Default Color

For Change Default Primary Color - Go to resources/ts/layouts/components/CustomizerPanel.vue

const themeColors = ref<ThemeColor[]>([
    bg: 'themeDefault',
    color: '#4680ff', // Update here for default primary color change
    darkColor: '#3F78FF', // for darkprimary color change
    lightcolor: '#E9F0FF', // for lightprimary color change
    lightcolorfordark: '#18243e', // for lightprimary color change for dark mode
    tooltipName: 'Preset 1',
  ... other color presets

Without Using Customizer Preset Colors

If you don't want preset other colors options from customizer or you want to remove customizer options then follow below steps:

  1. Go to default layout setup file. open resources/ts/layouts/default.vue

      :style="getStyleObject()" // Remove This line
        customizer.miniSidebar ? 'mini-sidebar' : '',
        customizer.isHorizontalLayout ? 'horizontalLayout' : 'verticalLayout',
        customizer.inputBg ? 'inputWithbg' : '',
        customizer.themeContrast ? 'contrast' : '',
      ... other code 
  1. Delete Some code related to this

// Delete below whole code(it is for preset color change)
// Define the computed property to calculate the dynamic style object
const dynamicStyle = computed(() => ({
  '--v-theme-primary': HexToRgb(theme.current.value.colors.primary),
  '--v-theme-darkprimary': HexToRgb(theme.current.value.colors.darkprimary),
  '--v-theme-lightprimary': HexToRgb(theme.current.value.colors.lightprimary),

// Method to conditionally apply the preset class
const getStyleObject = () => {
  // Define your condition here, for example:
  const condition = true // Replace this with your actual condition

  return condition ? dynamicStyle.value : {}
  1. Delete some code from resources/ts/layouts/components/CustomizerPanel.vue

// Remove this whole code
// Watch for changes in the primary colors and update the theme accordingly
watch([customPrimaryColor, customDarkPrimaryColor, customLightPrimaryColor, customLightPrimaryColorForDark], ([newPrimaryColor, newDarkPrimaryColor, newLightPrimaryColor, newLightPrimaryColorForDark]) => {
  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.light.colors.primary = newPrimaryColor
  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.light.colors.darkprimary = newDarkPrimaryColor
  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.dark.colors.primary = newPrimaryColor
  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.dark.colors.darkprimary = newDarkPrimaryColor

  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.light.colors.lightprimary = newLightPrimaryColor
  vuetifyTheme.themes.value.dark.colors.lightprimary = newLightPrimaryColorForDark
  1. Update default primary color to it's hexcolor code

// resources/ts/plugins/vuetify/index.ts
const light: ThemeDefinition = {
  dark: false,
  colors: {
    'primary': PrimaryColor, // Change PrimaryColor to '#dddddd'(Put your hexcolor)
    .. other variables

const dark: ThemeDefinition = {
  dark: true,
  colors: {
    'primary': PrimaryColor,// Change PrimaryColor to '#dddddd'(Put your hexcolor)
    .. other variables
  1. finally restart your application using below command

npm run dev

Last updated