Directory Structure

A simple and intuitive folder structure makes it easy for you to find what you want.

Under the able-pro-vue-laravel/full-version directory, You will find the following folder structure.


├── app                          -> Controllers & Models
├── bootstrap                    -> Contains cache and app.php
├── config                       -> Application's configuration files
├── database                     -> Migrations & seeds
├── public
├── resources
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── images
│   ├── styles                    -> Theme overrides styles
│   ├── ts
│   │ 	├── _mockApis          -> Mock JSON data to be used for apps
│   │ 	├── @core          	-> Common default components auto imports
│   │ 	├── @layouts          	
│   │ 	│   ├── components        -> Layouts components
│   │ 	├── layouts
│   │  	│   ├── blank
│   │  	│   ├── component
│   │  	│   ├── default
│   │ 	├── pages                 -> All Pages views
│   │ 	├── plugins
│   │  	│   ├── fake-api
│   │  	│   │   ├── handlers      -> Getters and Actions, it's types
│   │  	│   ├── vuetify           -> Contains theme style and theme
│   │ 	├── utils
│   │  	│   ├── i18n          
│   │  	│   │ 	├── locales       -> Languages .json file
│   │ 	├── views                 -> All Pages sub components
│   │  ├── App.vue               -> Starting point of application
│   ├── views                     -> Laravel setup main file
├── routes                        -> Include routes web.php
├── storage                       -> Contains compile blade templates
├── tests		          -> For testing
├── .env  -> Include Database credentials and other environment variables
├── .eslintrc.cjs                 -> Eslint configuration
├── artisan                       -> Include artisan commands 
├── auto-imports.d.ts             -> Unplugin auto import file
├── components.d.ts               -> Unplugin vue components
├── composer.json                 -> Dependencies used by composer
├── config.ts                     -> Template const value & live customizer
├── env.d.ts                      -> Typescript only(for router layout setup)
├── package.json                  -> Dependencies used by node
├── tsconfig.json                 -> Typescript configuration
├── typed-router.d.ts             -> Unplugin vue router auto import files
├── vite.config.ts                -> Laravel's vite file

Last updated