Able Pro Figma FAQs
Last updated
Able Pro Figma FAQs
Last updated
Video Tutorial -
Import & Open Ablepro-color-palette.fig file into Figma.
Goto Menu -> Libraries -> Find and Publish Ablepro-color-palette -> Publish styles
Try out the free figma Themer Plugins from Figma Community.
Open Themer Plugin Dialog and follow below steps.
Save JSONBin API key after setting up account from
Create a theme
step1 - Select Color styles
step2 - Select Local styles
step3 - Checkmark the "Create multiple themes from ....."
Hit Create theme button.
Problem - None of the styles are published. Publish them to continue.
Resolution - Follow Step 2. Problem - Stuck in Themer Plugin?
Resolution - Reset Themer from Dialog Settings -> Reset Themer and follow step 4
How to apply Dark/Light colors?
Import & Open ablepro-v9.fig into Figma.
Goto Menu -> Libraries -> Find and Activate ablepro-color-palette libraries.
Open Themer Plugins Menu -> Plugins -> Themer
Remain Open the Themer Dialog.
Select any existing frame(s)/layer(s)
From Themer Dialog select Night and hit Apply to selection button for Dark Layout.
From Themer Dialog select Day and hit Apply to selection button for Light Layout.
It may take longer loading time to apply styles using Themer Plugins depends upon the selected amount of frames/layers.