Switch to AWS Cognito

JWT to AWS Cognito

Set AWS Config

At present, AWS uses a dummy config, so we don't need to change anything, but in actual implementation, you need to set poolId and appClientId in the following file. For more detail refer to AWS here: https://aws.amazon.com/cognito/


## AWS



Change AuthProvider

import { AWSCognitoProvider as AuthProvider } from 'contexts/AWSCognitoContext';

Change auth Hooks

import AuthContext from 'contexts/AWSCognitoContext';

Copy login code

It's also super simple. We have provided a code that just needs to be replaced.

  • From: src\sections\auth\login\AWSCognitoLogin

  • To: src\sections\auth\auth-forms\AuthLogin.jsx

For nextJS, refer next-auth site: https://next-auth.js.org/providers/cognito

Copy register code

We have provided a code that just needs to be replaced.

  • From: src\sections\auth\register\AWSCognitoRegister

  • To: src\sections\auth\auth-forms\AuthRegister.jsx

For nextJS, refer next-auth site: https://next-auth.js.org/providers/cognito

Last updated