├── .gitignore
├── package.json -> Package json file.
├── README.md -> Creat react app Readme file
├── server.js
├── public/
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── index.html
│ └── manifest.json
└── src/
├── App/
| ├── components -> Template custom components
| ├── layout -> Layout components & routers
| ├── index.js
├── assets/
| ├── images/
| ├── scss/ -> Template SCSS files, check folder structure below
├── Demo/ -> View files for all pages
├── containers/ -> Data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component
├── hoc/
├── store/ -> Redux App actions, reducers, storeConfig & types
├── config.js -> Config. file to change layouts & menu color, width, image etc...
├── index.js -> Application root js file
├── index.scss -> Application main scss file
├── menu-item.js -> Allication menu data
├── route.js -> Add routers for pages
├── routes.js -> Add routers for auth pages
└── serviceWorker.js
├── ng-module/ -> Third party plugins customisation scss
├── settings/ -> Template variable scss folder
├── theme/ -> Layout and React views specific scss files
├── layout-dark.scss -> Application dark file
├── layout-rtl.scss -> Application RTL file
├── style.scss -> Application main file