📄Page Structure

The Svelte folder structure is meticulously organized to enhance project scalability and maintainability. With directories for apps, static files, templates, and configuration settings, it streamlines

 import Footer from '../../lib/Components/Layouts/Partials/Footer.svelte';
 import Vertical from '../../lib/Components/Layouts/Vertical.svelte';
 import Customizer from '../../lib/Components/Layouts/Partials/Customizer.svelte';

<Vertical />
<slot />
<Footer />
<Customizer />

Layout settings

You can change the default layout in the templates/index.html file in the body tag

<body data-pc-preset="preset-1" data-pc-sidebar-caption="true"data-pc-layout="vertical" data-pc-direction="ltr" data-pc-theme_contrast="" data-pc-theme="light">


data-pc-preset= "preset-1"

To set the your primary theme color you can change ['preset-1' ] for different color.

data-pc-sidebar-caption= "true"

To set the caption on.

data-pc-layout = "vertical"

To set the vertical Sidebar.

data-pc-direction = "ltr"

To set the layout direction left to right.

data-pc-theme = "light"

To set the layout theme light.

data-pc-theme = "dark"

To set the layout theme dark.

Last updated