Getting Started

Setup Able Pro CodeIgniter

Able Pro supports Laravel 11.* with Vite. The following is a guide to quickly start using the template.



Make sure to have XAMPP installed on your computer. Currently, Able Pro supports PHP version 8.2 or newer.


A composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

Make sure to have Composer installed on your computer. Currently, Composer supports PHP version 8.2 to run.

Make sure to have NodeJs installed on your computer. Currently, Nodejs supports v20.* so use the LTS version only.

Make sure you have installed Node JS installed and use Node version 20.*

Open Terminal and set the directory /download/Able-pro/ and run the following commands step by step.

// Install all required packages in the Vendor folder

composer install

npm install

// Generate new key 
php artisan key:generate

// Clear the cache
php artisan optimize:clear

// Generate the assets files
npm run build

// Migrate the database and seed data
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

// Runs the project need to run below commands in 2 separate command prompt
php artisan serve
npm run dev

Last updated