📄Page Structure


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <%- title %>
        <%- css1 %>

        <%- include('./head-css') %>
        <%- css2 %>

    <body data-pc-preset="preset-1" data-pc-sidebar-caption="true" data-pc-layout="vertical" data-pc-direction="ltr" data-pc-theme_contrast="" data-pc-theme="light">
    <%- include('./layout-vertical') %> 

    <div class="pc-container">
    <div class="pc-content">
        <%- mainContent %>
      <!-- Add your main content here -->
      <%- include('./footer-block') %>
      <%- include('./customizer') %>
    <%- js1 %>
    <%- include('./footer-js') %>
    <%- js2 %>


Layout settings

You can change the default layout in the views/main-layout.html file in the body tag

<body data-pc-preset="preset-1" data-pc-sidebar-caption="true"data-pc-layout="vertical" data-pc-direction="ltr" data-pc-theme_contrast="" data-pc-theme="light">


data-pc-preset= "preset-1"

To set the your primary theme color you can change ['preset-1' ] for different color.

data-pc-sidebar-caption= "true"

To set the caption on.

data-pc-layout = "vertical"

To set the vertical Sidebar.

data-pc-direction = "ltr"

To set the layout direction left to right.

data-pc-theme = "light"

To set the layout theme light.

data-pc-theme = "dark"

To set the layout theme dark.

Last updated