Getting Started

Welcome to the Ablepro Django, your go-to foundation for building powerful web applications with Django, HTML5, and Bootstrap 5.*. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and start us.


Code Editor of your choice

Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Build Assets

Before running the application we need to build theme assets:

  1. Open your project to vs code

  2. Start a command prompt window or terminal and change directory to Admin/

  3. Install packages using one of following commands

npm install

npm run build

This command will fetch all dependencies listed in /package.json and place them into/node_modules folder.

Install Python

Django is a Python web framework. See What Python version can I use with Django? for details.

  1. Get the latest version of Python at or with your operating system’s package manager.

  2. Download the executable installer and run it.

  3. After installation, open the command prompt and check that the Python version matches the version you installed by executing:

python --version

Check Pip Version

py -m pip --version
upgrade pip
py -m pip install --upgrade pip


Make sure to have the virtualenv installed globally & running on your computer. You can skip this step if you have already installed it on your computer.

Virtualenv installation command for Linux & mac os

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

Virtualenv installation command for Windows

py -m pip install --user virtualenv
py -m pip install virtualenv

Create a virtual environment for our project. It's always recommended to create separate virtual environments for each project

python -m venv environment-name

for mac os
python3 -m venv environment-name

Activate Virtual Environment on Windows


Activate Virtual Environment on mac OS

source ./environment-name/bin/activate

Note : Depending on your installation, you may need to use either pip3 or pip and for python you may need to use either python3 or python.

Django And Other Dependencies

Install Django on linux & mac OS

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Database migrations

python makemigrations

python migrate

Setting up Static Files

Go to Admin/ablepro/ and add following command:-

STATIC_URL = 'static/'
STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'dist')]

Run below command for run your project

python runserver

Last updated