
v1.4.2 (13-08-2024)

  • UI design improves

v1.4.1 (15-06-2024)

  • UI design improves

  • Add third-party plugin link

v1.4.0 (26-04-2024)

  • Gulp update

  • Add Finance Dashboard

  • Add Online Course Admin Panel

  • Add Membership Admin Panel

  • Add Helpdesk Admin Panel

  • Add Invoice Admin Panel

v1.3.0 (02-03-2024)

  • Package upgrades

  • Add invoice app

  • Added Rating

  • Added form wizard

  • Added Animation pages

  • Added Peity charts

v1.2.0 (11-12-2023)

  • Layout was improved

  • Components are improved and updated with the latest version of Bootstrap

  • Plugin updated

v1.1.2 (19-10-2023)

  • Design Fixes

  • Horizontal bug fix

v1.1.0 (07-06-2023)

  • Theme customization moved from "/dist/assets/js/config.js" to "app/Config/Constants.php"

  • Sidebar Submenu mouse event was improved

  • Introduce a new horizontal, compact, tab layout

  • Application UI design was improved

v1.0.0 (12-11-2022)

  • Initial Release

Last updated